The EXORSET 30 was created for a system of study and development primarily for professionals. It is built around a microprocessor Motorola 6809 with 64 kB of memory, backplane format EXORSISER. It is dedicated to software and hardware developments, it supports cross assembler family 6800, with a map and allows adaptation to program EPROM.
System based on the M6809 High Performance microprocessor and MC6800 microcomputer
32K of RAM
12 E/P/ROM sockets for up to 24k bytes of user code
4K bytes of monitor firmware
2K bytes of alphanumeric display RAM
2 User display formats:
80 characters per line by 22 lines
40 characters per line by 16 lines
128 characters in a 5×7 matrix
9-inch video monitor
61-key ASCII keyboard
RS-232C serial interface
Dual BASF 6106 5.25-inch mini-FLOPPYDRIVES
Width 18.3″
Height 11.0″
Length 25.2″
Weight 6.3 kg
Introduced 1982
Manufacturer: Motorola
Date: 1982